Lula es Café
Lula es Café is a specialty coffee shop located in Monterrey, México. The perfect refuge for all those looking for a space where they can have a relaxed work meeting, or study group, or simply a place that allows them to disconnect from cell phones and have face-to-face conversations. But above all, it is for those connoisseurs and passionate about good coffee.
Carlos, the owner, had spent his entire life working in another industry, until he finally dared to accept his true passion: good coffee and cooking. So it came the time of leaving everything behind and start living his passion.
Brand Strategy
Packaging Design

The name, “Lula es Café”, is a pun in Spanish because it means both: Lula is brown and Lula is Coffee. It arises precisely from the fact that Lula, Carlos’s dog, is brown and being a Schnauzer breed, it is something quite unusual.
Carlos’s passion for coffee is almost as great as the love that he and his family have for Lula, and that is why Lula es Café could only be a Pet Friendly place. The slogan Pet & Human Friendly, arises from the game that sometimes it is easier to be a pet-lover than a human-lover, but in Lula es Café, love extends to everyone.

We designed a character inspired by the Schnauzers’s personality who are somewhat reserved and seemingly introverted. A little too cool for school.

Photos by C 129