Lalo Lalita
Lalo Lalita is a sports bar specialized in buffalo wings located in Mexico City’s Zona Rosa.
It is an American concept but “Mexicanized”. During the process of the strategy we discovered that Mexico City is suddenly starting to lack good places that are a middle ground between pretentious (extra cool / overpriced) and street food. A place where we could let our guard down and just enjoy. Accept that we are a country that loves soccer, beer and spicy food.
Brand Strategy
Interior Design Direction
Façade Design
Collateral Design

Wings are not a Mexican gastronomic concept, but it is definitely something we Mexicans have adopted as our own, and if we dip them in sauces made with local chiles they become somehow authentic. The brand’s personality is inspired by a real person, an American who plays in a rock band and has long since become a naturalized Mexican citizen. He is irreverent, witty, inclusive, fun and familiar. Just like Lalo Lalita.

After developing the Brand Strategy we made the Naming. Lalo Lalita is a game of words that in Spanish are two proper names, one masculine and one feminine (shorts for Eduardo / Eduarda). “Lalita” or “la-alita” also means “the wing”. Difficult to explain in English, but you get the point 😛

The wordmark was handmade (you can see a bit of the process here), it is inspired by rock band logos. The character we developed that works both as an emblem and as illustrations for collateral design, is a chicken that although it tries to look tough, it ends up being cute. It’s all part of the brand’s personality.

Finally, in this case we also gave direction in terms of interior and façade design. Special shout-out to this client who trusts us so much 🙂

Photos by C129