In an over-informed society, which struggles to maintain a highly intellectual conversation, BANAL arrives to invite us to relax. Sometimes the most laid-back encounters, the ones that seem less important, in which we do not pretend to change the world, are the ones that most transcend in our minds and fill us with memories. BANAL is the license we give ourselves to enjoy life without pretensions, to share the table with friends, to toast and laugh out loud.
Brand Strategy

BANAL is a restaurant located in the city of Querétaro in Mexico. In spite of the quality of its cuisine and the careful details in its architecture and decoration, the concept that was sought to transmit was relaxed. Our scope ranged from naming and strategy, to branding, identity and applications and it was through these materials that we managed to convey the idea.

“Banal” means VAIN, the name was a bet due to the negative connotation it may have, but BANAL is aimed at an audience that understands without much explanation. BANAL celebrates the conversations that are of nothing and provoke laughter… those that are so necessary after having a complicated day.

To complement the applications of the identity, we designed a pattern that serves as a decorative element and an illustration of a sloth bear whose personality is just what we want to celebrate.

Photos by C 129
Architectural Photos by Ariadna Polo